The Mellow Closing of The Lesbian Lexicon event

DATE CHANGE: Now Saturday, July 25th… We will likely fire up the oven outside and bake some arizmendi pizzas. Bring other things you want to put in the oven, or food to share. –¼DJ Siobhan Aluvalot –¼Tarot Readings by … MORE INFO →
Tenderloin National Forest Work Party event

Tenderloin National Forest Work Party When: August 9, 2014 Time: 11-5pm Bring gloves if you have them and wear gardening apparel. This is in preparation for the UC master gardener tour coming to the Tenderloin September 13th ALL DAY EVENT … MORE INFO →

WHO: ABD Productions/Anne Bluethenthal & Dancers with Residents of the Cambridge and Senator SRO Hotels, Nicole Klaymoon™s Embodiment Project, Melanie DeMore, Stephanie Johnson, and Alejandro Acosta WHAT: Skywatchers III – A community-engaged performance installation WHEN: Saturday, May 24, 2014 at … MORE INFO →
Sunday Streets meets the Tenderloin National Forest event