News & Events

NEW MUSIC SERIES, Wade Matthews music

locationthe luggage storedateNovember 16 2006 8:00 PM - 10pm

NEW MUSIC SERIES, EVERY THURSDAY 6-10 sliding scale donation, no one refused for lack of funds 8pm Wade Matthews solo 9pm Wade Matthews plus guests tba American improviser, composer and author, Wade Matthews, has been living in Madrid, Spain, since … MORE INFO →

THE EULIPIA SERIES, curated by D.Scot Miller event

locationthe luggage storedateTUESDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 2006, 8PM

***NEW FORMAT**** THE FIRST TUESDAY OF EVERY MONTH $5 -$10 siding scale – no one turned away for lack of funds Knot Frum HearPaper Nest Projectcurated by D.Scot Miller Kwan Boothfrom Black Futurist Movement, reading AXOLOTL Though at times an … MORE INFO →

NEWS FALL 2006 news

Congratulations to : Murphy and Cadogan Fellowships in the Fine Arts Kamau Amu Patton Jennifer Wofford Visual and Media Artists/Artadia Awards Adriane Colburn Amy Franceschini David Huffman Mads Lynnerup Shaun O’dell Clare Rojas


locationthe luggage storedateNOVEMBER 9, 2006, 8-10PM

$6-10 sliding scale, no one refused for lack of funds SURGE & CONVERGE I: ELISE BALDWIN CLAY CHAPLIN MILTON CROSS KADET KUHNE Two artists from Los Angeles and two artists from San Francisco come together for an evening of improvisation, … MORE INFO →


locationthe luggage storedateTHURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 2006, 8-10pm

NEW MUSIC SERIES — EVERY THURSDAY 8pm The Misspelled Thing Philip Greenlief – Sax Matt Davingon – Drum Machine and a shadowed individual of mystery 9pm The Flip Quartet, featuring Suki OKane, Lucio Menegon, Theresa Wong, and Moe! Staiano, performing … MORE INFO →