News & Events

Community Property At The Tenderloin National Forest event

locationTenderloin National Forest & luggage store annexdateSaturday November 20, 2010 4:30 “ 8:00 PM

Participating Artist, Dancers and Musicians: Chris Evans, Ernest Jolly, Bobby (drums), Pretty (guitar), Strong (vocals) Marshall Trammel, David Boyce (Saxophone), Mark Fassett (Guitar/Bass) Richard (poetry), Rose Khor, Esteban, Santiago, Jada Simone (vocals) Brian (guitar), Tom (photographs), Geoffrey Grier (Recovery Theater) … MORE INFO →

New Music Series music

locationthe luggage storedateThursday, Nov. 15, 2010, 6:00 - 9:00pm

Duck & Cover 2 – an evening of radical reinterpretations of popular songs. A co-presentation with 21 Grand. Polly Moller, Eric Glick Reiman, Mary Clare Brzytwa with Theresa Wong sometimes and at other times with Travis Johns.

BARRY MCGEE MURAL on roll down door PAINTED OVER news

locationthe luggage storedateNov. 28, 2010

We have literally received hundreds of inquiries regarding the painting over of our roll down door that the luggage store commissioned BARRY MCGEE to paint in 1994. The luggage store did not paint over this door. It was ipainted over … MORE INFO →


locationluggage store gallerydateSeptember 22, 2010 7:00 - 9:00 pm

 Mad Science a post RADAR summer retreat reading hosed by MICHELLE TEA featuring ***Rose Tully, Deez Davidson, Annie Sprinkle + Beth Stephens, Michelle Tea, Justin Chin, Ali Liebegott and Kat Marie Yoas $5. suggested donation( no one turned away … MORE INFO →

Fresh From the Oven, FREE! event

locationTenderloin National ForestdateSaturday, September 18, 12:00 - 3:00 pm

Hosted by dancer/choreographer: Amara Tabor-Smith bread bake and favorite food stories with music.