News & Events
Creative Music Series – 8-10pm music

SoundSpeak – A night of word/voice/and sound 8:00pm Ear Spray with Mark Briggs 8:35pm Alden Jenks/Anthony (Tony) Gnazzo 9:10pm Drunken Fish = Sounds and Words with C.J. Reaven Borosque & Jim Ryan Earspray is Ann O’Rourke, percussion. Carlos Jennings, electronics. … MORE INFO →
t.w.five “we are humans” @ Ellis & Jones

“We are Humans” is a triptych of three new murals depicting humans and its relationship with the increasingly robotized culture. It is about living in a time when science is searching for ways to create human traits in robots but in … MORE INFO →
Tenderloin National Forest on CBS5 news

Luggage Store Co-Artistic Directors/Artists Darryl Smith and Laurie Lazer of the luggage store have been working to transform Cohen Alley since 1989 from a place emblazed in a health-hazardous cesspool of bodily fluids and other dumped items, non-supervised open-air chemical experiments and illicit … MORE INFO →
Music Series – 8-10pm music

Music Series Guest Curation by Light A Fire/Open Music 8:00pm Ex/Blip Duo Karl Evangelista: guitarWill Redmond: guitar 8:45pm 6th Street Stampede 9:15pm Gorczynski/Amendola Duo Charles Gorczynski: Reeds Scott Amendola: Drums (This is) an explosive evening of electric guitar duets that runs … MORE INFO →
Tenderloin National Forest on NY Times news
“ Nestled between a cluster of residential buildings and hotels in San Francisco™s Tenderloin district is a surprising outcropping of green ” theso-called Tenderloin National Forest. Formerly known as Cohen Alley, the small urban enclaveis not really a national forest … MORE INFO →