News & Events
WORDS ARE POWER: An Interactive Screening of The Discourse

Join the discussion and participate in the creation of a mosaic portrait in film. Veuxdo Child will be creating a short film featuring you and the word(s) you know to be most powerful to you, in a statement about language … MORE INFO →
Musician Corps: MLK Day of Song & Service

The Whole Pie Closing Event + pick up information for all the artists involved
The Whole Pie Closes this Saturday on the 11th after 5pm. The Luggage Store will host a closing party mainly for the participating artists beginning at 4pm going to 7pm. During that time artists can take their pieces home. Otherwise … MORE INFO →
Cajun Rice exhibition

Cajun Rice is a group Show featuring Pat Falco, Lola Rose Thompson, Luke Pelletier, Rye Purvis, Kool Kid Kreyola, Cate White, Michelle Guintu and Yarrow Slaps. Embracing art from all places and putting them together into cajun rice. This is … MORE INFO →
Hunter’s Moon at Tenderloin National Forest

*The Wandering Moon* Hunter’s Moon at Tenderloin National Forest Moon One of the Wandering Moon, a Quarterly Series October 18, 8pm $5-10 sliding scale Hosted by Michelle Tea! VEGAN food by Beth Pickens! Readings by: BRONTEZ PURNELL is a Bay … MORE INFO →