Gallery Archives


locationluggage store annexdateNovember 30 - December 5, 2005openingThursday, December 1, 5-7pm

Memento Mori The Life and Death of Objects Left Behind Artists: Kristan Bonde, Megan Cayler, Gerardo Chow, Morgan Erser, Ben Gadbaw, Melissa Levin, Edith Mondragon, Jessice Niello, Kevin Quandt, Sharon Siskin, Piper Skillman, James Wardron The exhibition is being organized by 10 USF visual arts students. The artists strive to reinterpret traditional … MORE INFO →


locationthe luggage storedateDECEMBER 9, 2005 - JANUARY 14, 2006openingFRIDAY, DECEMBER 9, 2005, 6-8PM

EXPLOSIVE COMPULSIVE new work by   REED ANDERSON (NY) JEN LIU (NY) ADRIANE COLBURN (SF)   three artists who map and explore consciousness, the built environment and the natural world. see SF Weekly SF Chronicle SF Station Art Business ArtWeek (February 2006) … MORE INFO →


curatorLaurie Lazer/Darryl Smithlocationthe luggage storedateOCTOBER 15 - NOVEMBER 26, 2005openingOCTOBER 15, 2005

WRITING LETTERS work by JOE AMRHEIN, TAUBA AUERBACH, STEVE POWERS exploring the physicality, psychology,aesthetics,  politics and  sociology of  letterforms, words and signs. Opens OCTOBER 15, 2005 Reception: 6– 9pm music by Tussle EXTENDED–THRU NOVEMBER 26, 2005 Gallery Hours: Wed-Saturday: 12-5pm See … MORE INFO →

SHORT CUTS 2005 (4 short shows)

locationthe luggage store

Short Cuts, in its 4th year, was conceived of and designed by Darryl Smith and Laurie Lazer of the luggage store to identify, support and emerge new and /or young curators and artists. Through a mentoring process, selected individuals gain hands … MORE INFO →


date22 April - 21 May, 2005

STRANGE TALES new work by NICK ACKERMAN, DAVID HUFFMAN, CHRIS OLIVERIA From April 22 until May 21, 2005 the Luggage Store in San Francisco shows Strange Tales, which presents new narratives by Nick Ackerman, David Huffman and Chris Oliveria. Each … MORE INFO →