Gallery Archives


locationLUGGAGE STORE ANNEXdateMARCH 29 - APRIL 8, 2007openingTHURSDAY, MARCH 29, 6-8pm

LUGGAGE STORE ANNEX at 509 Ellis Street (near Leavenworth) thru APRIL 8, 2007 FERNANDE CONRAD (aka Mary Conrad) artist in residence SELL YOUR STORIES HERE a mixed media installation Opening Reception THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 6-8pm Friday, March 30, 10am-2pm Saturday, March 31, … MORE INFO →

RIGO 23, Backtracking 199485

locationthe luggage storedateMAY 11 - *JUNE 30, 2007 (EXTENDED)

new work by RIGO 23 large-scale mixed media drawings on canvas Opening: Friday May 11, 6-8pm Closing Reception: Friday, June 22, 6-8pm featuring The Nurses and Black Rainbow (punk), plus spoken word with Erika Cespedes Kent, Luara, Venturi & Eugeniya … MORE INFO →


locationluggage store annexdateFEBRUARY 28 - MARCH 4, 2007 openingWEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 28, 2007, 5:30pm-8pm

RICARDO RICHEY Hours: Friday-Monday 1-5pm artist in residency reception œTRANSFERENCE structural organic styles based on energy systems visually translated to sculpture.


locationthe luggage storedateFEBRUARY 9 - MARCH 24, 2007 (EXTENDED)openingFriday, February 9, 6-8pm

MY LOVE IS A 187 featuring the work of MARK BRADFORD TITUS KAPHAR SHINIQUE SMITH MICKALENE THOMAS Mickalene Thomas, mm installation, 2007, taken at lug store opening reception with models Lady Blue and Six Foota. photo: l. lazer PREVIEW Friday, … MORE INFO →


locationluggage store annexdateOctober 13, 2006 - November 11, 2006

CRESTFALLEN — work by Dan Flanagan Kakistocracy in the USA the luggage store annex @ 509 Ellis (near Leavenworth) San Francisco, California 94109, tel. 415 255 5971 Gallery Hours: Saturday 12-5pm & by appointment Crestfallen:a selection of Americana ” is a … MORE INFO →