Gallery Archives : 2015
Art and Trauma event

Art & Trauma Friday July 31st 8-10 PM The Luggage Store 509 Ellis
Wander&Wayfare event

˜™Wander&Wayfare Group exhibition at Rocha Art through June 19th, 2015 City wide, all women artist murals through 2015 Co-Curated by Oakland based artist Allison œHuemane Torneros and Rocha Art founder Daniele Rocha Featured mural by Tati Saurez on Jones St. … MORE INFO →
The Lesbian Lexicon event

–¼The Lesbian Lexicon documents words invented to describe previously unnamed queer phenomenon, words already used in popular queer vernacular, and a few gay words of antiquity. –¼ Eat a BALL SNACK and float in a PUSSYFOG at the … MORE INFO →
œIntro to Failure #QUEER FAIL FESTIVAL event

Radar & The Luggage Store Project Present #QUEERFAIL Festival – June 15-21 Join us for a week-long festival celebrating the unique history of queer anti-assimiliation. Featuring Jack Halberstam (author of Queer Art of Failure), Maggie Nelson, Dynasty Handbag, Juana Maria … MORE INFO →