Gallery Archives
PROJECT SURVIVAL, a public project
San Francisco’s Historic Warfield Building, 988 Market Street (near 6th, north side of Market Street) San Francisco, CA presented by Luggage Store Shortcuts Program with Carlos Villa and students from SF Art Institute with the cooperation of David and Jamie … MORE INFO →
Rigo was invited to design a walkway for the TNF… His vision to celebrate the special and evolving nature of the œground in mosaic, yielded “Cultural Geometry “ a pathway that leads visitors into the Tenderloin National Forest and was … MORE INFO →

ART SALE (not an auction) & EXHIBITION OPENING organized by Sham Saenz to benefit THE BOBBY HUTTON FOUNDATION featuring work by: Joe Brook, Jon Brumit, Monica Canilao, Cuba, The Date Farmers, Emory Douglas, John Dwyer, Matt Gonzalez, Barry McGee, Jessie … MORE INFO →
œArt for Corporations: ANDREW JEFFREY WRIGHT

Recent video/animation, photography, painting & drawings, collage, constructions and screen prints intended to provoke and provide a satirical and absurdly humorous social commentary on corporate infuence on life and popular culture. Several works in the exhibition were created specifically for … MORE INFO →
œTelAranaTelAranaTela, Ana Teresa Fernandez

SOLO EXHIBITION, ANA TERESA FERNANDEZ TelAranaTelAranaTelA (Fabric, spider, spiderweb, lash out) 2007 HEADLANDS CENTER FOR THE ARTS TOURNESOL AWARD EXHIBITION performance in collaboration with dancer/choreographer JACINTA VLACH featuring new and experimental work developed during Fernandez™ residency at the Headlands including … MORE INFO →