Gallery Archives
Luggage Store Projection Space: Nara Denning

Public projections have given a new meaning to video. Experiencing moving pictures in public for free often translates to the of selling of a product or a lifestyle. With that in mind, programming at Luggage Store™s Projection Space has offered … MORE INFO →
Harvest Moon

September 11th 2011 6-10 pm Eye Zen Art and THEOFFCENTER present Buffet Flats, Queering Slow Food Series- Harvest Moon–SHINE ON! The Tenderloin National Forest and The Luggage Store Annex ART OPENING: THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 8TH, 5-8 PM (Runs Sept. 8th -11th) … MORE INFO →
Luggage Store Projection Space: The Messaging of Politics

Messaging has existed longer than media, but with the onslaught of technology – messaging and media go hand in hand. From television broadcasts, to YouTube and even graffiti campaigns co-opted by large corporations – there has always been an idea … MORE INFO →
Michael Swaine – Closing Event for O.B.J.E.C.T.S

œObjects are concealed from our view, not so much because they are out of the course of our visual ray as because we do not bring our minds and eyes to bear on them…. —Henry David Thoreau (who™s father ran … MORE INFO →