Gallery Archives : 2014
Darkness in the Golden State: 1 DAY Prison Art Show event


(photo credit J Jones, 2014) Exhibition: The Reflector Project Dates: September 12 “ October 18th , 2014 Reception: Friday September 12, 6-8pm Place: The Luggage Store Address: 1007 Market Street (near 6th) San Francisco, CA 94103 Telephone: 415. 255 5971 Hours: … MORE INFO →
Tenderloin National Forest Work Party event

Tenderloin National Forest Work Party When: August 9, 2014 Time: 11-5pm Bring gloves if you have them and wear gardening apparel. This is in preparation for the UC master gardener tour coming to the Tenderloin September 13th ALL DAY EVENT … MORE INFO →
Teresa Baker exhibition

The Luggage Store Gallery presents a solo show by: Teresa Baker: 2014 Tournesol Awardee in association with the Headlands Center for the Arts, Sausalito, CA DATES: JULY 11 “ AUGUST 8, 2014 Reception: Friday, July 11, 2014 6-8pm Place: the … MORE INFO →
Michael Swaine @ the Tenderloin National Forest event

On Sunday March 15th, from 12-5pm Michael Swaine will be present in the Forest, sewing, hemming and mending for free. Bring something for Michael to work on and hang out with him in the Forest.