Gallery Archives : 2007

NEW MUSIC SERIES, DSS; Pink Canoes music

locationthe luggage storedateThursday, March 29 2007 8:00-10PM

NEW MUSIC SERIES experimental, electronic and/or improv EVERY THURSDAY $6-10 sliding scale admission, no one refused for lack of funds DSS(LA) Aaron Drake – FM Transmitter Feedback, Talkboy Deluxe, Assorted Electronics Phillip Stearns – Mixer Feedback, FM Transmitter Feedback, Misc. … MORE INFO →

NEW MUSIC SERIES, Jonathon Segal, Emergency String Quartet music

locationthe luggage storedateMARCH 22, 2007

NEW MUSIC AT THE LUGGAGE STORE EVERY THURSDAY, 8-10PM 8pm Jonathan Segel – Violin, Guitar & Electronics 9pm (tentative) Emergency String Quartet $6-10 sliding scale, no one refused for lack of funds for booking inquiries for New Music contact: See … MORE INFO →


locationLUGGAGE STORE ANNEXdateMARCH 29 - APRIL 8, 2007openingTHURSDAY, MARCH 29, 6-8pm

LUGGAGE STORE ANNEX at 509 Ellis Street (near Leavenworth) thru APRIL 8, 2007 FERNANDE CONRAD (aka Mary Conrad) artist in residence SELL YOUR STORIES HERE a mixed media installation Opening Reception THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 6-8pm Friday, March 30, 10am-2pm Saturday, March 31, … MORE INFO →


Common Ground needs your support immediately to continue critical relief and recovery work in New Orleans and the city’s surrounding areas. The City of New Orleans has iniatiated a “Good Neighbor” Program. Thousands of residents many of whom are elderly and … MORE INFO →


locationthe luggage storedate15 March, 2007

8pm: Charity Chan “ Accordion Suzanne Thorpe “ Electronics/Flute Paul Scriver “ Saxophone/Bass Clarinet Charity Chan™s live performances focus on the evocation of alternative timbres from the piano/accordion and the combination of these sounds with more traditional performance techniques. Her improvisations are … MORE INFO →