Cajun Rice

curatorYarrow Slapslocation457 Haight Street, Sf, Ca, 94117date12, 7, 2013


Cajun Rice is a group Show featuring Pat Falco, Lola Rose Thompson, Luke Pelletier, Rye Purvis, Kool Kid Kreyola, Cate White, Michelle Guintu and Yarrow Slaps. Embracing art from all places and putting them together into cajun rice. This is the first of a luggage store satellite project at 457 haight st, and is opening the same night as the lower haight street art walk.

Date: December 7th – 21st

Time: 5-8pm but will most likely go a little later.

Live Performances by Wally Mac, Alma Rosae and @itsthegettas!
