artistRyder Cooley

Dear Friends,
it’s my last day in San Francisco – I’ll be at 509 Cultural Center/Tenderloin National Forest today, please come see my Streetopia installation in the gallery and listen to music in the forest!

Sunday May 20
music by RYDER & HAZEL plus HAZY LOPER (Pat & Devon)
Tenderloin National Forest @ 509 Cultural Center
509 Ellis St. at Hyde, SF. 4pm, free

Streetopia at 509 Cultural Center: SPIRIT WORLD installation by Ryder plus Monica Canilao, Swoon, Kyle
Ranson, Rebecca Giordano, Soft, Ivy McClelland, Sy Wagon & more!


STREETOPIA, May 18- June 23 2012, Luggage Store Gallery/509 Annex &
other locations around SF (see attachment for calendar)
Streetopia, a celebration of San Francisco™s radical past, present,
and future. Curated by writer Erick Lyle, and artists Chris Johanson
and Kal Spelletich, Streetopia will bring neighborhood residents
together with over a hundred artists, performers, writers, filmmakers,
activists, and teachers in venues throughout downtown San Francisco,
to consider Utopian aspirations for the city today.

The exhibition will be centered on the installation of a giant,
collectively planned city to be built at The Luggage Store Gallery and
The Streetopia Free Café, to be installed at the nearby Luggage Store
Annex and Tenderloin National Forest (at 509 Ellis Street). One part
show and one part elaborate public experiment, the show will spill out
of these venues and into the surrounding neighborhood with public
murals, art on area billboards, installations in vacant storefronts,
performances in the streets, and events at nearby community farms.

Inspired by San Francisco™s long tradition of Utopian political and art
movements, Streetopia will host free performances, teachings, and talks every
day for the show™s five-week run, providing a temporary space that
offers opportunities for participation, critical thinking, learning, and tools for
community building. We hope that the ideas shared in Streetopia will reverberate in the real city
after the city we build in the gallery is long gone. Come join us to envision a new reality
based on collaboration and high aspiration.