Lenore Chinn – Cultural Confluences

date6, 8, 2012



Dates: June 8 – Saturday June 30, 2012

Opening Reception: Friday June 8, 2012

Time: 6-9pm

Place: The Luggage Store

Address: 1007 Market St. (nr 6th), SF CA 94103,

Telephone: 415-255-5971

Website: https://www.luggagestoregallerysf.org
And www.lenorechinn.com

Gallery Hours
Wednesday-Saturday 12-5r by appointment.

The Luggage Store Gallery is pleased to present
Cultural Confluences: The Art of Lenore¨Chinn celebrates the public unveiling of The Oracle Room, a painting for which Chinn¨has received a 2011 San Francisco Arts Commission Individual Artist Commission, in Visual Arts. It is contextualized by Chinn™s most iconic canvases which focus on Asian American and LGBT themes.
œLenore Chinn™s large-scale photo-realist portrait and commemorative paintings illuminate her career as an artist and as an activist in San Francisco™s diverse LGBT and Asian-American communities (indeed they are not separate).
Participating in and interrupting the historical tradition of portrait painting, Chinn™s loving and intimate portraits of individuals and same-sex couples render visible and luminous subjects whose cultural identities are multiple and complex….
”Harmony Hammond, Author, œLesbian Art in America: A Contemporary History
œThe photo-realist picture plane in lenore Chinn™s paintings is painstakingly woven with brush strokes that portray her friends as members of another kind of American quilt” one that is stitched together by sexual difference and animated by a desire for social justice, human dignity, and even personal tenderness.
”hung liu Artist; Professor of Art at mills College, oakland CA

click here to see Lenore’s write up in the Sf Gate!
