LSPS: Mobile Projection Unit: Program TWO

curatorco-curators: Jorge Bachmann & Paz de la CalzadalocationLuggage Store Gallery (to be viewed from streetlevel)dateDec 1, 6:30pm - 8:30pm

The Luggage Store Gallery’s Projection Series presents
Mobile Projection Unit: Program TWO

WHEN: Thursday December 1
(6:30pm – 8:30pm)

WHERE: Luggage Store Gallery
1007 Market St. (at 6th)
(to be viewed from street level at 6th/Market)*

Having come back from Spain and France, co-curators Jorge Bachmann and Paz de la Calzada have brought together a range of pieces depicting an oniric visualscape utilizing the varied methods of Image manipulation and time-lapse technology.

Program TWO features the works of Ana Teresa Fernandez (MEX/US), Mar Caldas (SP), Stephanie Sheriff (US), Nicolas Ly (FR), Sarah Klein (US), Paz de la Calzada (SP/US) Jorge Bachmann (CH/US).

The Mobile Projection Unit (part of the Luggage Storeā„¢s Projection Series) offers public audiences from all walks of life the experience of thoughtful, engaging, and/or inspiring contemporary art for free, providing an unexpected and refreshing alternative to the corporate messaging that saturates our public space. The program is funded in part by the San Francisco Arts Commission.
