Michael Swaine – Closing Event for O.B.J.E.C.T.S

locationluggage store annex - 509 Cultural Center located on the corner of Ellis & Leavenworthdate8,19,2011
œObjects are concealed from our view,
not so much because they are out of the course of our visual ray as because we do not bring our minds and eyes to bear on them….
—Henry David Thoreau 
(who™s father ran a pencil factory)

From Michael Swaine:
Hello friends and family,
 have been imagining the parade of objects on our city streets.I have created several small objects to look at. I have collaborated with many people during the past month and have made a video that shows a moment of double vision that  Paul Benney and I had.
The event will be  Friday Aug 19th from 5 pm to 9 pm.
Cooley Windsor  will  read something and I will also read.
The reading will begin at 7pm.
Small objects  to look at  and I will have small objects to eat.
I hope to see you there.
Sincerely Michael Swaine
Click to watch this video:
{thank you Heather for shooting video for Paul and I}