Luggage Store’s Projection Series:
Mobile Projection Unit: Program ONE
When: Thursday May 5th 8-10pm (First Thursday)
Where: Eddy Street (between Hyde and Leavenworth)
Reception following the projections at:
The brown Jug
496 Eddy St (at Hyde St)
On Thursday, May 5, 2011 The Luggage Store will launch its Mobile Projection Unit with an evening of large-scale videos presented directly within the cityscape, illuminating the Eddy St. corridor (between Hyde and Leavenworth). Program ONE will feature the works of Jorge Bachmann, Paz de la Calzada, Eliza Barrios, Jessica Resmond, Kadet Khune, MEI collectiv and Camilo Tarabay with a range of stop motion, animation, and computer generated graphics.
The Mobile Projection Unit (part of the Luggage Store’s Projection Series) offers public audiences from all walks of life the experience of thoughtful, engaging, and/or inspiring contemporary art for free, providing an unexpected and refreshing alternative to the corporate messaging that saturates our public space. The program is funded in part by the San Francisco Arts Commission.