SHORT CUTS CONSTANCE – Granny’s Missed You

locationluggage store gallerydateAugust 20 “ 28, 2010closingAugust 28, 2010, 7:00 - 10:00pm

Curated by Constance Castillo

Tucker Bennett, Constance Castillo, Josh Freydkis, Francesca Ira & Maxine Puorro

Sometimes in silence there is a humming noise. A feeling that something might not be right. Through varied mediums, five artists under the age of 21 and raised in the Bay Area will engage in a disturbance of beauty. Focused around a short story written by Penelope Lin, the multimedia show will include installation, film, photography, and mixed media. Existing in the distance between lingering memories and emerging presence these artistic distortions will act as an elegy for the material life.

Granny’s Missed You is part of the Luggage Store’s Short Cuts Program which seeks to identify, support, and emerge new and/or young curators and artists. The Short Cuts Program, now in its tenth year, is funded by the National Endowment for the Arts.

An excerpt from “HOME” by Penelope Yow-Shiuan Lin:
Speak up, she says. And the aunts drag me from her musty room that hangs with blanched calendars of supple apples and framed pictures of blue-eyed children clipped from magazines. One turns on the dubbed cartoons and the other pushes me down on the black leather couch in the living room. I know better than to touch the remote. Granny’s missed you, they say.

Tucker Bennett

A filmmaker living in San Francisco, he is currently studying at the San Francisco Art¨Institute. His videos have screened across America, and his first feature œWhy Are You¨Weird? was called œThe best VHS feature film to be made in 2009³ by Interview¨Magazine.

Constance Castillo

A visual and spoken word artist, she was born and raised in San Francisco and is¨currently pursuing a major in interdisciplinary studies at Columbia University. Through¨the exploitation of familiarity she enjoys manipulating standards of normalcy. Working in¨the realm of creative intervention, she attempts to present accurate portraits of emotion in¨the remnants of leftover memories and stretched smiles.

Josh Freydkis

Born and raised in San Francisco, he is currently pursuing a BFA at NYU, and has spent¨the past year living and working in Berlin. Rooted in a childhood obsession with horror¨and the occult, his work juxtaposes the aesthetic of sacrificial ceremony within a¨contemporary storyline.
Penelope Yow-Shiuan Lin¨Entering her sophomore year at Columbia University, she is a creative writing and visual¨arts double major. Her work explores the way the past and its lessons fester in the state of¨memory and emerge in the present, a fiction of it’s own.

Maxine Puorro

Hailing from San Francisco, Maxine is now studying at Vassar College in New York. She¨has been compulsively making art for a good while. Her work disparages unnecessary¨seriousness through playful irony and dry humor.

Francesca Ira

A film major at Pratt Institute, she lives between the Bay and Brooklyn. She explores¨patterns of intensity and subtlety, and how we become what we thought we always had to¨be. She views the camera as the seeing thing I don™t see because it is whatever it sees. But¨says, The courage to expose without film is what I™m waiting for. Wind bends better¨than the light.