Ground Floor Gallery open Tuesdays ¨and Fridays at noon
Installation can be viewed outside the Luggage¨Store Gallery on Market Street
WHERE: public¨spaces in San Francisco including the financial and shopping districts downtown, other venues around the world, online, and a nightly projection¨series (starting the last week in July)
WHO: Artists/Writers/Spaces¨include:
Adriana¨Varella, Amy Berk, Andy Cox, Anthony Marcellini, B, bantercut, Cat Ferrez, Char¨Tan, Cheryl Meeker, Dan and Cheryl, Eliza Barrios, Francesca Pastine, Gordon¨Winiemko, Guy Overfelt, Heather Sparks, Hugh Behm-Steinberg, Jenny Bitner, Josh¨Wilson, Katherine Worel, KWIK, Les Soeurs Dissentient (L.S.D.), Lowell Darling,¨Luther Thie, The Luggage Store Gallery, Marina Perez-Wong, Mattew Rana, Maw¨Shein Win, Megan Wilson, Meridian Gallery, Michael Rauner, Michael Zheng, Myron¨Michael, Pato En La Cara, Patricia K Kelly, Paz De la Calzada, Peter Haas,¨Rhonda Winter, Sarah Lewison, Sean Fletcher & Isabel Reichert, Sean Kennedy,¨Stephen Parr/ Oddball Film & Video, Steven Wolf, TWCDC (Together We Can¨Defeat Capitalism), Valerie Soe.
WHAT: Artworks¨in the media of performative interventions, stickers, posters, web presence,¨video projections and more. Specific project descriptions to follow in weekly¨press releases.
WHY: Capitalism¨Is Over! If You Want It is a series of interruptions/actions launched¨in response to the need for a fundamental shift in our approach to¨Capitalism and the negative impact it has on the environment, health, and¨well being of all. The status quo is not sustainable. The title of the project¨references John and Yoko’s powerful WAR IS OVER If You Want It campaign.
Project examples include:
This Little Piggy Went To Market¨(Megan Wilson)¨is a pink plush pig pushing a shopping cart through the financial district¨giving away hand made signs exposing economic inequities.
Together We Can¨Defeat Capitalism (TWCDC), a guerrilla art group fighting capitalism since 1996, sticks (it) to¨the system once again ferrying a hostage Piggy around downtown in Das Vegetal¨and offering stickers with the slogan Capitalism is
Over If You Want it.
Consumers on Strike! hold signs and march¨around the shopping district beginning at Macys and ending in the park.
Daily Slots (Eliza Barrios and¨Paz De la Calzada) repurposes news stands located¨along Market and Montgomery Street with alternative messages focusing on the¨economy, consumerism and the un-sustainability of the capitalistic culture.
New York Times Action (Francesca Pastine) covers the NYTimes with graphite pencils, engaging with passersbys about the¨nature of censorship and the meaning of information.
World¨Border Acupuncture Treatment (Lowell Darling) places needles in the¨earth to increase the flow of people on the planet starting at The Great¨Highway in SF.
Sean Fletcher and Isabel¨Reichert loudly¨argue about money, honesty, infidelity, or getting lost as they travel between¨different companies related to oil.
News from the Heartland offers broadcast freeze frames of¨the flood of foreclosures, banking collapses, and gold standard delirium.
Market Fatigue (Dan and Cheryl)¨stay in bed¨because they have run to the end of their credit limits, are exhausted by¨looking for jobs, and to protest the proposed sit-lie law.
DOMA: DO ME (B) offers a Buenos Aires,¨Argentina perspective with a photonovel, How¨Fragile Everything Is. 3:43 min., stills and DV projections