Tenderloin National Forest
Lenore Chinn, Cultural Confluences: The Art of Lenore Chinn, Bok Kai Temples, acrylic on canvas, 40" x 54", 2012
Nguyen Phuong Linh, "Hinterlands," Home; mixed media installation, 200" x 70" x 20" (dimensions variable), 2012
"In the Moment," 360, acrylic on compressed board, 16" x 20", 2012
Adriane Colburn, "of Darkness" Anacinda, video still (8' x 3.5'), 2012, Video, 4 minute loop.
'' Dark Cloud'' - 27''x20''x14'' 2010 - straws an glue
'' Hipster Holocaust'' - 3'x5' 2010 - mixed media on canvas