curated by John Trippe
Featured Artists:
Corey Arnold (Portland), Tiffany Bozic (San Francisco), Kelsey Brookes (San Diego), David Choe (Los Angeles), Richard Colman ( Los Angeles) , Faile (New York), Jeremy Fish (San Francisco), Ian Francis (London)
, Matt Furie (San Francisco) , Mike Giant (San Francisco), Henry Gunderson (San Francisco), Maya Hayuk (New York), Jim Houser (Philadelphia), Jay Howell (San Francisco), Sylvia Ji (Los Angeles), Mel Kadel (Los Angeles), Anthony Lister (New York), Mars-1 (San Francisco), Travis Millard (Los Angeles), Ferris Plock
(San Francisco), Albert Reyes (Los Angeles), Jeff Soto (Los Angeles), Damon Soule (New York), Kelly Tunstall (San Francisco), Aiyana Udesen (San Francisco), Oliver Vernon (San Francisco), and Megan Whitmarsh (Los Angeles)
FECAL FACE DOT COM is a content-rich, comprehensive, multidisciplinary art and culture website supporting the art scene in San Francisco and beyond since 2000.
With its roots in the stone-age of the internet, Fecal Face was the first of its kind “ an onlinedestination featuring blogs, articles, interviews and awesomeness when the internet itself wasjust starting out. With almost ten years under its belt, the site now greets between 11,000-14,000 visitors a day, occupying a unique niche online and in the œreal world, by chronicling andshaping the local, national and international contemporary arts scene.
In January 2008, Fecal Face opened Fecal Face Dot Gallery (66 Gough St, San Francisco), a physical destination for the website offering visitors the opportunity to experience, in person, the work they see showcased online. With a new installation each month and opportunities to meet the artists, it’s a way to merge what Fecal Face has been doing online since 2000 into the vibrant art scene of San Francisco.
About John Tripp
Fecal Face Founder and 10 Yr. Curator
Trippe moved to San Francisco in 1993 from the Midwest via the East Coast to immerse himself in the dynamic Bay Area skateboard scene of the 90s. While skateboarding semi-professionally John went on to work in all artistic fields within the industry from magazine layout at Thrasher Magazine to filming, directing and producing videos for a number of skate companies. While working at Thrasher in 1998 he created Fecal Face first as a homemade/ Kinkos produced zine to chronicle his friends™ artworks and his own photography and writing. After teaching himself html in 2000, he moved the Fecal Face online to gain a wider audience and to satisfy his nerdy desire to learn web programming.