jumbo prawns art club*

locationthe luggage ¨storedateFEBRUARY 4 “ 27 2010openingThursday, February 4,¨2010, 6-8pm

Curated by¨Yarrow Slaps.
The luggage¨store is pleased to present jumbo prawns art club*, a group exhibition¨featuring the work of SCATHA ALLISON, JASON DUNMAN, and JULIAN PRINCE DASH.

The jumbo¨prawns art club* is a collective of artists, hungry people and¨designers who make everything independently in the outbacks of the bay area. ¨Their studios will be lifted up and transported to the luggage store gallery¨for three weeks.

The jumbo prawns

art club * is part of the luggage store™s Short Cuts Program to identify, support and¨emerge new and/or young curators and artists.


Allison/Miss Velvet Creme: For tomorrow™s urban nomad. Miss Velvet Cream is neo-couture clothing that embodies silhouettes of¨the past with dreams of the future, all bridged by the conscious present. MVC design is guided by aesthetics of construction and innovation that¨are individualized, craft-intensive and committed to excellence in quality,¨wearability and above all, beauty.

Jason Dunman: œArt and Fashion are the same to me.. I dress myself up pretty and I just try¨to do the same to whatever I am working on. One could say clothes are the¨mediums, and the body is a blank canvas or that fresh block of clay. I just put¨on, or make what feels and looks good¦ to me.

Julian Prince

Dash makes jeans from scratch because it is his destiny. he loves to eat fried¨chicken and sushi, does not like fashion, belongs in outer space and does it¨for the kids.