Club 6
60 6th St. (Near Market) (around the corner from the luggage store) San Francisco
8pm: MaryClare Brzytwa, Travis Johns(electronics, guitar, flute)
9pm: Bloom
– Steven Baker Laosian mouth/inventions harp Rent Romus & Thollem Mcdonas keyboard fresh off his three month US midwest tour of over 70 cities. AND guests Marko Novachcoff “ multi reeds & Joel Peterson – bass from Detroit MI
Travis Johns currently working and residing in Oakland, Ca. Performs on bass and electronics, ping-ponging one off
of the other, feeding back and feeding forward. Also performs on laptop, playing overlapping walls of noisewash sourced from field recordings, small sounds and societal hum. He writes music that™s dense and haunting, loud and quietabstract.
MaryClare Brzytwa is a
flutist, composer, aspiring rock star and ex catholic-school girl. She hails from the outskirts of Cleveland, Ohio and now lives in Oakland, California. where she teaches Do-Re-Mi to dozens of future piano monsters right out of her home. MaryClare’s music takes listeners through noise, salsa, improvisation, microtonality, rock guitar licks, and laptop manipulations. She is the queen of B-bands: Bolivar Zoar, Byznich, and Bebe Donkey, which span out kitchfolk, electronic minimalism, and pseudo Christianic loungcore. She is 1/3 of the legendary all female free improvisation outfit: Slow, Children and has toured internationally in clubs, music festivals, flute gatherings, and academic institutions. In 2006, MaryClare earned her BA in Composition
/ Electronic Media from Mills College and has studied and/or collaborated with Robert Dick, Maggi Payne, Fred Frith, Angela
Korogolos, Michiko Kawagoe, William Winant, ,Ava Mendoza, Corey Fogel, Joelle Leandre, and more. MaryClare likes expensive couscous, and her therapist, Susan. In addition her work as maryclare¦she also has a christian rock alter- ego known as Byznich who writes devotional hymns with male centered god language. You can check out the music of Byznich
˜Bloom™, a spirited and colossal
collaboration between pianist Thollem Mcdonas, multi-saxophonist and electronician Rent Romus, instrument builder Steven Baker, and drummer and found-object player Jon Brumit. The CD features free group improvisations as well as interpretations of numerous textual and graphical scores offered up by Mcdonas and Brumit. The entire album is an organic construction and expression of solos, duos, and trios combining disparate and divergent stylistic histories with a sense of refreshing immediacy, intensity, and spontaneous inventiveness.