20th anniversary: IN THE FULLNESS OF TIME

locationthe luggage storedateDECEMBER 14, 2007 - FEBRUARY 16, 2008openingFRIDAY, DECEMBER 14


Gallery Hours Wed-Saturday 12-5pm,
Sat. Feb. 16@ 1pm, Discussion;;; Walk through with Laurie Lazer, Darryl Smith + Phil Ross, Julio Morales, Julie Ann Travis, Terry Hoff, Mary Fernando Conrad, Elizabeth Stephens, Lenore Chinn and others to be announced (will be posted here in a couple of days)

Sat. February 9, 2pm: Discussion on the influence of Basquiat on Bay Area artists and multicultural shift.
Saturday, Feb. 2, 1pm: The interface of organizations and communities…

“In the Fullness of Time: celebrating 20 years public projects: 998 Market Street at 6th (south side of Market) a video/light installation

“The Warfield” by Elaine Buckholtz can be viewed only after dark from the luggage store and of course from the street…

Cohen Alley (outdoors, adjacent to the luggage store annex @ Ellis/Leavenworth)
“Digging to Bedrock” Julie Ann Travis

SF Weekly
KQED Gallery Crawl
SF Bay Guardian