locationthe luggage storedate Aug 23 2007 8:00 PM

8pm Modular Set
9pm Lumper/Splitter
Modular Set:
Sonic explorers by nature and rooted in improvisation, these multi-instrumentalists take the torch from pioneers such as This Heat,
Sun Ra, Can, Nels Cline and Eric Dolphy to present the ears with a new scroll of cryptic messages. Modular Set combines it’s heavy use of
pedals and electronic loops with live drums, guitars, keys, unpredictable seizures of musical insight and other leaps of raw human
expression. Acting much like a metal detector, the band will circle a beach for days or weeks until they find a pattern or melodic phrase
that signals the beginning of their next excavation.

is the mind meld of two ‘obsessive soundhounds,’ Joe Rut and Lucio Menegon. Combining their extensive experimental and improvisational
experience, the Oakland, CA based duo create sonic tapestries using effects manipulation, looping, amplified objects, homemade instruments,
found sound, and even some honest guitar playing – it’s true! We can prove that! Check out the June 2007 Issue of Guitar Player Magazine (pg
37). Yeah, it’s only a pic and caption, but at least one of us is playing a guitar.