locationthe luggage storedateThursday, JulY 5 2007


$6-10 sliding scale, no one refused for lack of funds

Guest curated by David Lim!
Mincemeat or Tenspeed
Dave Smolen
Cars Wills Burn
Chen Santa Maria
Mincemeat or Tenspeed
a hovercraft.. now imagine that hovercraft blasting through hyperspace
at warp 666 and arriving at an interstellar spacecraft dance party!..
this could describe the sound created by Mincemeat or Tenspeed, a one
man band from philadelphia. A true mad scientist, he uses every crayola
color variety of guitar pedal to summon a dazzling array of actual
wandwrought compositions (no guesswork knob noodling or hiding behind
laptops here, folks). A live show can inspire a wide spectrum of mental
pictures including, but not limited to: doomsday avalanche, baby
robot™s first steps, kegger-in-a-wind-tunnel and a synchronized swim in
the primordial ooze.

Cars Will Burn
Cars Will Burn! is made
of components that exploit the idea that electronic devices are never
silent. First, we wire audio components (tape deck, samplers, and
mixers) into themselves creating a feedback system, which produces a
pure tone. By running this tone through components while adjusting
frequency controls and overloading volume meters the pure tone is
broken down into a vocabulary of clicks, washes, bursts, and swells. By
running aforementioned components through multiple audio samplers, a
library of sounds is built up to be drawn upon as a counterpoint
against the real-time audio manipulation of the component™s feedback
A dynamic reactionary visual system accompanies the live
audio feedback stream. This visual system is manifested into four
sub-systems of visual stimulants, which have the ability to exist as
isolated sensations or to overlap into more complex expressions.

Dave Smolen
began playing music at age 10 on the trumpet for 2 years, then later
switched to drums at 12. He went on to play rock music for 8 years. His
interest in live processing of drums began with the use of analogue
phaser and ring modulator effects. After continual practice with this
minimal setup, he gradually created one that consisted of ring
modulators, reverb units, equalized distortion,
multi-modulation/oscillation effects, an open circuit board of a
digital chorus pedal, and additionally 2 loop pedals.
The electronic
configuration encapsulates the original acoustic sounds produced by
snare drum, firebell/assorted bells and electric sounds including
feedback, removed/broken inputs,flipped effect switches and circuit
bending; with new pitches, increased or decreased intensity and a newly
shaped sound foundation. Each sound is either left live or looped,
where they are reset at various tempos and/or enveloped in an overall
reprocessed pitch.

Chen Santa Maria
(description coming soon)