locationthe luggage storedateTUESDAY, MARCH 6, 2007 7:30PM


The EULIPIA Series/Knot Frum Hear

Fourth Greeting
curated by D. Scot Miller and Tan Khanh Cao
$5-10 sliding scale, no one refused for lack of funds

Eulipions who are Knot Frum Hear are invited to offer their gifts to fellow travelers…

Theme for the Eulipions (click to hear)
I know he moves along the piers. Calls himself a “Journey Agent,” a
“Eulipion.”Says his friends, the poets and artists, the musicians are journey agents too.”
Betty H. Neals, for Rahsaan Roland Kirk’s

DANNY CAO and ISREAL MATOS from Manicato

Danny Cao, Leader of The Duuy Quintet, Trumpeter Danny Cao has been performing with the instrumental groove band Vinyl for the past 10 years in many notable local and national venues. DU UY Quintet’s identity is found within the stylistic interplay of the musicians rather than a pre-defined style of music. This allows DU UY Quintet the compositional freedom to write and perform music of varying styles (funk, boleros, jazz, electronica, drum and bass, samba, rock, cha cha, bossa nova, et al) yet still retain a strong, identifiable group sound.

Visual artists, craftsfolks, photographers, if you’re knot frum hear,
you’ll fit right in. Strikin’. All Feet. All Soul.