artists from:
The WOMEN TAKE BACK THE NOISE compilation, 3 years in the making, showcases a collection of 47 women artists worldwide who experiment with sound in various ways, ranging from ambient-organic to quirky-glitch-beat to harsh or extreme noise, as well as categories yet to be defined… WOMEN TAKE BACK THE NOISE was also the title of two different performances by BIG CITY ORCHESTRAE
from 1992. Both performances featured projects were put together by female members of the orchestrae, which showcased various noise mediums ranging from vocal and melodic to combustable and cacophonus.
$6-10 sliding scale donation, no one refused for lack of funds
The longest standing experimental music series in the Bay Area, currently co-presented by Outsound Presents…, the The Luggage Store Gallery and bay area improvisers/sound artists Rent Romus and Matt Davignon. Operating since 1991, the series present a wide variety and cross section of sound artists each week running through every genre of experimentation.
Admission $6-10 sliding scale. All ages
welcome, no one refused for lack of funds.
Please contact Rent Romus for booking and all other inquires.
Experimental musicians (new sonic, improvised, noise, electronic, lowercase, avant-jazz, outrock, 21 century compositions, and sonic art) who are interested in performing as part of the Thursday night series at The Luggage Store Gallery are invited to contact the Outsound.org Collective for further information. The series is booked 2 to 3 months in advance and artists should be prepared to submit a recording for consideration.
Presents…The Luggage Store Gallery Music Series is an artist-run/grass-roots DIY effort. It is not currently a funded series. We book 2 to 3 months in advance. There is no guaranteed payment, no guest passes, hotel accomodations, transportation, no acoustic piano, no sound person. Must start by 8:10pm. However, we do offer a space to play (2 groups per evening), free advertising, and a percentage from the door: 70% goes to the artists (divided equally by 2 sets) and 30% goes to the gallery. There a PA available (mixer, two speakers, no reference monitors) Setup begins at 7pm.
We are also happy to have volunteer help with the series (setup chairs, curtain, lights, or make/distribute flyers etc.) please contact us at Outsound.org above. Thanks! We also want to thank with great joy the past artist-curators and volunteers of this series:
Ernesto Diaz-Infante
Sean Rooney
Steev Hise
Scott Looney
Matt Ingalls
Damon Smith
Bob Boster
Melissa Metrick
Jon Brumit
Jeff Chan
(send us a note if you had presented at the series over the past 16 years, we’d love to hear from you)
Past performing artist sample list @ theĀ LSG New Music Series:
performers have included such eclectic artists as Cecil Taylor, Miya Masaoka, Alan Silva, Carl Stone, Biggi Vinkeloe, Joe McPhee, Janet Feder, Peter Kowald, Henry Kaiser, Fred Frith, Gino Robair, Koji Asano, Andrea Neumann, Axel Dorner, Kitundu, Pamela Z, Wolfgang Fuchs, Amy Denio, Jason Kahn, Eddie Prevost, Karen Stackpole, Ernesto Diaz-Infante, Gianni Gebbia, Karen Borca, Oluyemi Thomas, Saadet Turkoz, Yasuhiro Otani, Eddie Gale, Jim Ryan, Dina Emerson, Burton Green, Jane Rigler, Jack Wright, Assif Tsahar, CJ Reaven Borosque, Glenn Spearman, Danielle DeGruttola, Bob Marsh, Shoko Hikage, Bob Ostertag, Xome, Randy Yau, Stimbox, Kaffe Matthews and countless others both local and international. Directions : 1.5 blocks from the Powell Street BART station