HEADLANDS CENTER FOR THE ARTS at luggage store presents
Solo Exhibition
large scale paintings
Artist Talk:
Saturday, August 5, 12pm
- Yoon Lee Action-Reaction (left) Landing (right)
- Yoon Lee "Seek and Destroy" acrylic on Acrylite 48" x 120" 2006 NFS
- Yoon Lee Landing detail acrylic on sintra panels 96" x 240 2006 (SOLD)
- Yoon Lee Reconstruction acrylic on pvc panels 96" x 240"
- Yoon Lee Action-Reaction acrylic on Acrylite 30" x 90" 2005 sold
- Yoon Lee Untitled acrylic on Acrylite 36" x 96" 2005 SOLD
- Yoon Lee Reconstruction (a new beginning) acrylic on pvc panels 96 x 240 inches 2005
At first glance, Yoon Lees paintings appear exuberant, as if her gestures capture the moment whenchaotic forces transform into ordered systems. She squirts vividly colored acrylic paint out of plasticbottles to create slick, tactile surfaces filled with dynamic swarms of abstract shapes. Her bold yetgraceful forms seem swept up in their own fast-paced trajectories, often set against traces of industrialarchitecture. When viewed more closely, however,it becomes evident that Lees seemingly spontaneous marksare actually computer generated and painstakingly executed. She predetermines her formal vocabulary byscanning and mixing popular media images, drawings, and photographs of freeways, railroads, andengineering structures taken along the Port of Oaklandvisual sites and by-products of globalcapitalism that the artist experiences on a daily basis. Her monumental paintings mesmerizewith their synthetic materiality, ultimately evoking the ambivalent desire we feel when confronted by colorfulplastic consumer goods, beautifully crafted confections, or successful advertising campaigns. We are seduced into believing that these glossy,overdetermined objects possess the power to comfortm us. As the artist explains, This connection betweenthe work and consumer goods reflects my interest inmconsumption as a strategy to assuage urban anxiety. Mywork addresses the relationship between this anxietymand the speed in which information and
signals travel through space.
Born in 1975 in Pusan, Korea and raised in San Diego, California, Yoon Lee attended the University ofCalifornia, San Diego, where she studied computer science, mechanical engineering and existentialphilosophy before deciding on a career in the arts. To augment her painting training, she studied for twoyears at Tyler School of Art in Philadelphia before completing her BA in Visual Arts at UCSD. She earnedher MFA in Painting from the San Francisco Art Institute in 2005. Since then, her work has beenfeatured in solo and group shows throughout California, most recently in San Francisco at theTransAmerica Center, Crucible Steel Gallery, The Lab, Hang Gallery, Diego Rivera Gallery, and CatharineClark Gallery, where her paintings in the 2006 Moxie exhibition garnered critical acclaim. In 2005 her workwas selected by Arts Benicia for CreamFrom the Top, an exhibition highlighting the most promisinggraduates from Bay Area MFA programs. Lee was awarded 2005 residencies at both Headlands Center for the Artsas part of her Tournesol Award and at Idyllwild Arts near Los Angeles as a participant in their Paintings Edge series.
–Lydia Matthews,Associate Professor of Visual Studies, California College of the Arts
Headlands Center for the Arts is a nonprofit
organization annually offering residencies to
approximately 40 local, national and international artists. Headlands supports artists in the exploration of their work and serves as a laboratory whose focus is on the artist’s process of investigation and creation by providing an unparalleled environment for the creative process and the development of new work and ideas. Throughartists residencies and public programs, Headlands offers opportunities for reflection, dialogue and exchange that build understanding and appreciation for the role of art in society. (www.headlands.org)
The Tournesol Award sponsored by Headlands Center for the Arts was established by an anonymous donor torecognize one emerging artist each yeare whose primary medium is painting. The goal is to provide theartist with the financial and community support to assist their artistic development in the critical years after school. The award includes a cash stipend, a one year residency at the Headlands Center for the Arts and a solo exhibition at a Bay Areavenue.