locationthe luggage storedateAPRIL 25- APRIL 30, 2006openingSaturday, April 29, 5-8pm

2000 SIC

students from Carlos Villas
Interdisciplinary Collage Seminar at the SF Art Institute

Jonathan Casella, Luong Garvey, Margo Hoover, Joseph
Kurm, Eleazar “El” Lewis, Natalie Lomeli, Kija Lucas,
Morgan Manduley, Rachel Manera, and Leslie Samson-Tabakin

Work from ten multidisciplinary artists from the San Francisco Art  Institute. Aided by Carlos Villa, these young artists have created a  collaborative show that unites their diverse styles into one complex yet  integrated collage. Their work, which includes drawing, photography,  installation, sculpture and more, comes together to engage the foundation of  collage itself. The artists aim to represent the aesthetic and creative  qualities that center not only on literal collaging, but also on the  conceptual qualities that transcend purely visual formalities of  contemporary art.
